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7 Things To Know Before Shopping at a Colorado Springs Dispensary


Updated: Jan 25, 2022

Confused by the cannabis laws in Colorado? This article will answer common questions about the marijuana industry in Colorado and help you understand the law, regulations and requirement to shop at a Colorado Springs dispensary.

Are there dispensaries in Colorado Springs?

Yes. Colorado Springs has the second largest cannabis industry in the state (second to Denver). There are 122 dispensaries within Colorado Springs ( All Colorado Springs Dispensaries are medical and require a medical marijuana card.

Are there any recreational dispensaries in Colorado Springs?

No. El Paso County is medical only. All dispensaries will require a medical marijuana card to enter. If you do not have a medical card, the nearest recreational dispensaries are Manitou, CO or Pueblo, CO.

Do I have to have a Medical Marijuana Card in Colorado Springs?

Yes. As stated above, El Paso County is medical only. All Colorado Springs dispensaries will require a Colorado state issued medical marijuana card to enter. Colorado does not reciprocate medical marijuana cards from other states, such as Florida or Michigan. The nearest recreational dispensaries are in Manitou, CO and Pueblo, CO.

How do I get a Medical Marijuana Card in Colorado?

Very easy! Follow these steps to quickly get your medical card.

1. Qualifying Conditions: Go to to review a list of qualifying medical conditions. If you qualify, move on to the next step.

2. See your healthcare provider: do a quick google search for “medical marijuana doctor near me” and Schedule an appointment with a reputable doctor. Primary care doctors do not normally write prescriptions for cannabis. You will need to find a doctor with that specialty and pay their fees (usually under $150).

3. Complete online application: Go to and register. You will need to add your provider certification and cultivation information.

Your application will then be reviewed by the state. This can take 6-8 weeks, but most of our patients get their cards much more quickly!

How much cannabis can you buy in Colorado (Medical)?

This varies depending on your plant count. The default plant count in Colorado is 6 plants. Extended plant counts are available upon approval through the appropriate medical authorities which can raise those limits up to 256 grams of flower with concentrate and infused limits varying depending on the doctor’s recommendation for extended limits.

The standard plant count allows you to purchase in a 24 hour period:

· 56 grams of flower (2 oz)

· 8 grams of concentrates

· 20,000mg of infused products like edibles, tinctures, and lotions.

Recreationally in Colorado the limits are:

· 28 grams of flower (1 oz)

· 8 grams of concentrates

· 1,000 mg of infused products.

Where can I smoke cannabis in Colorado?

Colorado prohibits consumption of cannabis in any public place, or in view of any public place. This limits consumption areas to private property that is not visible from any public properties. Hotels may allow cannabis consumption in their smoke friendly rooms; however, permittance is subject to the discretion of the hotel. Consumption on hotel balconies visible to the public is also prohibited.

Can I travel with my cannabis?

Travel within the state of Colorado is permitted, in some cases. Cannabis packaging must not have a broken seal, and there can be no evidence of use within the vehicle even by a passenger. Even if you have a medical card, Colorado has a limit on how much THC can be in your blood. Medical patients can be prosecuted for having 5 nanograms of THC per milliliter of blood. Cannabis possession and use on federal land is prohibited. This includes any National Parks. However, crossing state lines with cannabis is prohibited and you may be subject to a felony charge, with up to 32 years in prison and/or a fine of up to $1,000,000.00.

Bonus: How do I store my cannabis?

Cannabis can be stored in a variety of ways, depending on the form of cannabis being stored. Cannabis flower can be stored, short term, in an airtight, opaque container. Flower can also be stored in clear jars; however, the THC will degrade to CBN significantly quicker in a clear jar. CBN is the sleepy cannabinoid, so as your THC degrades, the effects will become significantly better for sleep than for anything else.

Long-term storage is very different. The best way to preserve your flower for long periods of time is to freeze it in vacuum sealed bags. The freezing temperatures combined with lack of light in a freezer will help preserve your terpenes and cannabinoids as well as prevent any degradation or time/light based conversion of cannabinoids to other cannabinoids. Vacuum sealed bags are not required, but removing as much moisture as possible from the interior of your storage container is a requirement. This will help fully preserve the integrity of the flower.

To remove your cannabis flower from long-term storage, you must let the container warm up to room temperature. If this is not done, condensation will form on the inside of your container, leaving your cannabis damp. Vacuum sealing removes the most amount of moisture, which is why vacuum sealing is the preferred method of storage.

Cannabis concentrates should be stored in a similar manner. Concentrates are best preserved in the fridge, even for short term storage. Again, this helps prevent the evaporation of terpenes as well as helps to prevent the degradation of cannabinoids. Again, the container must be room temperature before it is opened. Otherwise, condensation will form on the inside of your jar, contaminating your concentrates with moisture.

Long term storage of cannabis concentrates is almost exactly the same as flower. Preferably, concentrates will be vacuum sealed in their individual jars and placed in a freezer. However, this is not as important as it is with cannabis flower, due to the fact that concentrated jars create their own airtight seal. Individual jars must be left to thaw and once the jars are back at room temperature, the jars may be opened without risk of moisture contamination.

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